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7 Simple Ways to Boost Metabolism

July 8, 2024

The word “metabolism” has two meanings. Your metabolism is the process that converts nutrients from food into fuel to give your body the energy it needs to function. However, the term is also used to describe your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories burned at rest. This is what most people are referring to when they talk about boosting metabolism. A lot of factors can affect your metabolism, including age, body composition, diet, physical activity, health status, medications, sex, etc. If you are trying to manage your weight and overall health, try these simple tips to boost metabolism:

1. Eat Protein

When you eat food, your metabolism temporarily increases for a few hours. This is called the thermic effect of food, or TEF. Your body burns extra calories as it digests, absorbs, and processes nutrients from your meal. The nutrient that causes the largest rise in TEF is protein. Eating more protein with your meals can cause your body to burn more calories for a few hours afterwards. Additionally, if you are losing fat, protein may help reduce the drop in metabolism that is associated with reduced body fat. It can also prevent muscle loss, which is often a side effect of dieting and weight loss.

2. Drink Water

woman drinking water

A simple way to boost metabolism is to make sure you’re staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Hydration is crucial for the body to function properly, and it is necessary for optimal metabolism and weight loss. A study performed in 2016 found evidence that increased water consumption may increase fat oxidation while at rest. Researchers concluded that drinking water may positively affect metabolism. Choose plain water over flavored water or juices for maximum hydration.

3. Manage Your Stress

There may be a link between stress and metabolic rate. Chronic stress can lead to an increase in appetite, food intake, and weight. This is partially because a common coping mechanism for stress is eating. Stress can also affect sleep patterns and reduce quality of sleep at night. Find healthy ways to manage stress to avoid overeating or eating unhealthy foods and to help improve sleep, as both food and sleep patterns can affect metabolism. Examples of healthy stress management techniques include deep breathing, yoga, exercise, journaling, meditation, drawing, reading, etc.

4. Get Enough Sleep

woman sleeping in dark bedroom with eye mask

A link has been found between sleep and body weight. A lack of sleep is associated with a major increase in the risk of obesity. Sleep affects levels of ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that control hunger and fullness. People who are sleep deprived often feel more hungry and may gain weight or have trouble losing weight. A study performed in 2019 found that a lack of sleep for four or more nights may slightly decrease how the body metabolizes fat. Getting a good night’s sleep can restore this difference and help boost metabolism.

5. Lift Weights

Lifting weights and doing exercises that utilize body weight or resistance bands can help build muscle. These strength training exercises may boost metabolic rate while resting, such as during sleep or when sitting. Recent research suggests there is a strong link between muscle mass and metabolism. Having high muscle mass often means a higher metabolic rate. Eating enough calories, especially protein, and lifting weights can contribute to higher muscle mass and, as a result, an increased metabolism.

6. Nourish Your Gut

hands holding model of small and large intestines

One way to boost metabolism is to nourish your gut. The microorganisms that live in your gut play an important role in how you process the foods you eat. Certain microbes in the gut are linked to better metabolic control, while others are linked to a higher risk of fat around the belly. Caring for your gut and taking steps to improve gut health can increase the number of good bacteria in the gut and reduce the amount of bad bacteria, which may positively impact your metabolism.

7. Drink Green Tea

Drinking green tea may be a simple way to boost metabolism. This drink contains caffeine and the antioxidant catechin. Research suggests that both of these compounds can help speed up metabolism. Green tea may also help convert some of the fat stored in the body into free fatty acids, which could increase fat burning during exercise. Additionally, it is thought that green tea may help prevent a weight loss plateau by affecting the gut microbiome to improve the way the body breaks down fats and stores energy.

Metabolism-Boosting Supplements

These are some of the best and easiest ways to boost metabolism so your body can burn more calories and maintain a healthy weight. If you need additional help, you can try taking Fuel Max, an energy boosting multivitamin to boost energy production, support optimal energy usage, and prevent fat storage.