Top 6 Supplements to Curb Cravings
Are cravings for sugary, salty, or fatty foods getting in the way of your health and wellness goals? If your cravings are affecting your ability to make healthy food choices and manage your weight, you may want to consider taking dietary supplements to help. Here are some of the top supplements to curb cravings so you can reach your goals:
1. Appe-Curb
One of the best supplements to curb cravings is Appe-Curb. This dietary supplement contains key amino acids that help support the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters involved in mood, appetite control, and carbohydrate or fat cravings. Appe-Curb also contains chromium, which supports healthy glucose metabolism and food intake regulation. Taking this supplement can help curb cravings for carbohydrates, alcohol, and other substances.
2. GluNOzym
GluNOzym is another one of the top supplements to curb cravings. This supplement contains Reducose, which is an extract from white mulberry leaves. This ingredient provides a natural way to lower your blood sugar after meals, which offers a number of health benefits including craving reduction and weight control. When you take GluNOzym, fast carbs and sugars are turned into slow ones, which lowers glucose and insulin responses to help you feel fuller longer.
3. Magnesium
A deficiency in magnesium has been linked to increased sugar cravings. Taking magnesium supplements can help regulate insulin levels, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve sleep. All of these benefits can help reduce sugar cravings. Magnesium also has a role in regulating glucose levels, which stabilizes blood sugar and prevents blood sugar spikes and crashes that lead to sugar cravings.
4. Probiotics
Your gut microbiome contains trillions of microorganisms, and it plays an important role in regulating nutrient absorption, inflammation, mood, blood sugar, and more. Studies have shown a relationship between certain mood disorders and sweet cravings, and blood sugar spikes after meals can lead to cravings as well. Taking probiotic supplements adds beneficial bacteria to your gut, which can improve mood and regulate blood sugar to curb cravings.
5. Fiber
The diet of most Americans does not include enough fiber, which means you may be missing out on all the benefits of this important nutrient. Fiber keeps you feeling fuller longer and plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels. It also helps feed and nourish a healthy gut microbiome. This is why you may want to consider taking fiber supplements to curb cravings.
6. Berberine
Berberine is another one of the best supplements to curb cravings. This naturally occurring substance offers a number of health benefits and has been used in traditional herbal medicine for centuries. Berberine targets metabolic processes and helps regulate sugar levels, which can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce cravings. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and positively affects the gut microbiome.
More Ways to Curb Cravings
Taking these supplements to curb cravings may help you make healthier food choices so you can reach your health and wellness goals. Are you looking for more ways to reduce your cravings? Find out how to curb cravings through these ways to fight cravings for unhealthy foods.