Top 6 Immunity Boosting Supplements

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Top 6 Immunity Boosting Supplements

August 23, 2024

Your immune system protects your body against invading pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and toxins using a complex collection of cells, chemicals, and processes. If you want to avoid infection and disease, strengthening your immune system is key. Research suggests that supplementing with certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs may help give your immune system the boost it needs. Here are some of the top immunity boosting supplements to try:

1. Vitamin C

One of the most popular immunity boosting supplements is vitamin C. This vitamin is known to support the function of immune cells and their ability to protect against infection. A deficiency in vitamin C has been found to make individuals more prone to getting sick. It’s also thought that taking vitamin C supplements may help reduce the severity and duration of upper respiratory tract infections such as the common cold.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another one of the top immunity boosting supplements. This fat-soluble vitamin promotes the pathogen-fighting abilities of white blood cells as well as decreases inflammation, which helps to promote immune response. Vitamin D deficiency is common since people mostly get it from skin exposure to sunlight. If you are deficient in this vitamin, your immune system may not function properly. Research has suggested that taking vitamin D supplements may help improve immune response and lower the risk of infection.

3. Zinc

According to research, zinc is one of the best immunity boosting supplements. This mineral is commonly added to immune support supplements and other health products. Zinc is essential in immune cell development and communication and helps protect tissue barriers in the body to prevent pathogens from getting in. It also reduces inflammation, which helps the immune response. A zinc deficiency results in an increased risk of infection and disease. Studies suggest that zinc supplements may be beneficial if you’re already sick, and they may even reduce the duration of colds.

4. Elderberry

Black elderberry has been used to treat infections and promote immune health for a long time. According to some studies, elderberry extract may have antiviral properties to help protect against viruses that cause upper respiratory tract infections like the flu and common cold. It’s also thought that taking elderberry may help reduce symptoms caused by upper respiratory viral infections as well as reduce the severity and duration of the common cold. Elderberry is found in many comprehensive immunity boosting supplements like Emergency Well.

5. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin, which has powerful antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulating properties. As an immunity boosting supplement, this natural compound may promote immune health by stimulating certain immune substances like cytokines. Research suggests that taking daily garlic supplements may reduce the number of colds a person contracts as well as the duration of cold symptoms.

6. B Vitamins

B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, can help boost immunity. Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 aids in the production of immune cells and helps transport oxygen throughout the body. If you don’t have enough of this vitamin, your immune system may see a reduction in antibodies that are necessary to fight off infection. You can try adding B complex supplements to your immunity boosting supplements to support a healthy immune response.

More Ways to Boost Your Immunity

These are some of the best immunity boosting supplements that can help support a healthy immune response to protect you from illness. In addition to taking supplements, there are also other things you can do to improve immune health. Check out this list of ways to boost immunity so you can stay healthy and avoid getting sick!

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