7 Ways to Boost Immunity for Back to School
It’s time for kids and teachers to head back to school, which unfortunately often means a rise in the spread of illness. If you want to prevent bacteria and viruses from making you sick, you need a strong immune system that can effectively fight off infection. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to support a healthy immune system for back to school, including the following 7 ways to boost immunity.
1. Eat Fruits and Vegetables
One of the best ways to boost immunity is to eat colorful fruits and vegetables each day. These foods are full of micronutrients, such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin A, that your immune system needs to fight off invading pathogens. Additionally, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which is essential for your gut microbiome to produce the compounds necessary for a healthy immune system. Some of the best immunity-boosting foods include citrus fruits, berries, leafy green vegetables, and ginger.
2. Exercise Regularly
A great way to boost immunity is to get regular physical activity. Exercise strengthens your immune system and helps it fight off illness by increasing the circulation of immune cells in your blood throughout your body. Research suggests that the immune system benefits most when you do moderate exercise for 30 to 60 minutes several days a week. When it comes to exercise for immunity, more isn’t always better. Long sessions of high-intensity exercise like running a marathon can actually weaken your immune system instead of strengthening it.
3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
It’s typically recommended for adults to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night to boost immunity, and kids need even more. Teens need 8 to 10 hours, elementary and middle school kids need 9 to 12 hours, and preschoolers need at least 10 to 13 hours. During sleep, the body releases cytokines, and the production of these proteins can help strengthen your immune system. Studies show that a lack of sleep can reduce immune cell activity, increasing the risk of getting sick. If you want yourself and your kids to avoid getting sick when school starts, make sure everyone is getting enough sleep each night.
4. Stay Hydrated
Water plays a lot of important roles in the body, and one of these roles is supporting the immune system. Water is necessary for blood and lymph to flow and circulate throughout the body to allow immune cells to defend against invaders. You’re constantly losing water through your breath, urine, and bowel movements, and you lose even more when you sweat or exercise. To boost immunity, make sure you and your kids are drinking enough water to replace what’s lost. Try sending your kids to school with water bottles so they can stay hydrated throughout the day.
5. Reduce Stress
Chronic stress can have negative effects on many areas of your health, including your immune system. Stress can decrease the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting off infection, as well as cause sleep loss. If you want to boost immunity, try to minimize the amount of stress you experience and find healthy ways to handle unavoidable stress. Some great stress management techniques include deep breathing, yoga, journaling, drawing, massage, and prayer.
6. Get Recommended Vaccines
One of the most effective ways to boost immunity is to make sure you and your children are up to date on recommended vaccines. Vaccines, also called immunizations, teach the immune system to produce antibodies to fight off invading pathogens before they can make you sick. Your kids may require certain vaccines before they go back to school, and making sure they are up to date on these vaccines can protect them and you from potentially dangerous illnesses.
7. Take Immunity Boosting Supplements
Taking certain vitamins and supplements can help provide your immune system with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. Some of the best supplements to boost immunity include vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin B6. Because immune health is directly linked to gut health, you may also benefit from taking fiber and probiotic supplements to help balance your gut microbiome and stimulate the production of immune cells.
Do you have any questions about boosting immunity or the best products for your and your kids’ immune health? The experts at Paul’s Pharmacy are here to help! Stop by one of our pharmacy locations today and our knowledgeable pharmacy team will be happy to provide advice and recommendations to help you stay healthy during this back to school season!